Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Funeral

August 5, 2010

Note: These next two stories have no photos, but were from my time at Forward Operating Base Lane in Arghandab District, about 40 kilometers north of Qalat City.

Today we were invited to a memorial service for a fallen brother, an guard working for ASG here, who was killed by the Taliban a few days ago.

We got there just before the service started. An old man was praying aloud and I will never forget the faces of the comrades in arms - soldiers, civilians, special forces - all had come to pay their respects. U.S., Afghan, coalition, they all were there. The ASG guards who had worked closely with the man looked intently into space. I tried to imagine what they could be thinking. Maybe a memorable story they shared with the deceased? Maybe resent towards the Americans? I only knew that there was a deep sadness that pierced the heart of everyone who knew the man.

After the prayers were done, we had chai together. After two or three glasses of tea, we were invited to have a meal with them. They asked the Americans to come to be served first. They took us to a room where there were plates with rice, eggplant and goat meat presented before us. Also, there was a bottle of water, a Mirinda orange soda, and plastic cutlery. I saved my fork and spoon after the meal, since FOB Lane has a severe shortage of supplies. We are forced to reuse our plastic bowls and there is no silverware, so I jumped at the thought of not having to eat with my hands or tear a styrofoam cup to use as a spoon.

It is such an awkward and humbling experience to be served by the people who must be grieving the most.

My heart goes out to the family of this brave man who laid down his life trying to create a better life for his people.

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